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كيفية جعل رابط ردهة البخار الخاص بك في الريبو

المؤلف: مجهول تاريخ التحديث: 2025-03-16

مثل معظم ألعاب البقاء على قيد الحياة متعددة اللاعبين ، فإن Repo ممتع فقط إذا تم لعبه مع Discord أو أصدقائك الواقعيين. To do this, you must create your own lobby and share the Steam Lobby link with your friends to have a wholesome time together. So, if you are unaware of how to make your Steam Lobby link in REPO, here is a detailed guide covering the entire process.

How to get your Steam Lobby Link in REPO

To get the Steam Lobby Link in REPO, just follow the given steps.

  • Open REPO on your PC.
  • Navigate to Host Game and press " Yes .'
  • Select a new game or choose one of your old save files from the list of options.
  • Press the Invite button to open the Steam Overlay option in the browser format, as shown in the above image.
  • Click on your profile name to open your Steam Profile.
  • Go to the bottom left side to find a small window that will show/indicate the game you are currently on Steam. Since we are playing REPO, it will show you are in REPO
  • Right-click on the green Join Game button to find the Steam Lobby Link option .
  • Now, the Steam Lobby Link has been copied to your clipboard, which can be copied and shared with friends!

What is REPO?

REPO is a six-player co-op comical horror survival game where players have to extract items according to the interests of their creators. خلال رحلة استخراج الأشياء هذه ، ستواجه العديد من الوحوش وغيرها من المخلوقات العالمية التي يجب التهرب منها/مواجهتها بعناية مع التواصل الاستراتيجي مع الأصدقاء. In simple words, REPO is a mix of both Lethal Company and Phasmophbia, both funny and scary at the same time.

For more on REPO, Check out All Monsters in REPO and How to Avoid Them or All Items and Upgrades in REPO