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Best Archer Build in Rune Slayer

Author: Unknown Author Update Time: 2025-03-14

If you’re playing as an Archer in Rune Slayer, congratulations, you’ve picked one of the best (if not THE BEST) classes in the game. To get you in the top peak performance, we made a guide to help you reach your ultimate peak as a sharpshooting adventurer. Without further ado, here is the Best Archer Build in Rune Slayer.

Getting Started as an Archer in Rune Slayer

If you’re a veteran archer, feel free to skip this part, but if you’re just starting out, read on. As an Archer, you’re most effective way to play is to stay a few meters away from the enemy and let your arrows do the talking. Even though Archers can do a ton of damage, they aren’t great at taking it.

Screenshot by Rune Slayer Unofficial Trello

Archers wear Medium armor, which is stronger than Light but weaker than Heavy armor. But unlike Light armor-wearing Magicians or Priests, Archers don’t have protection/shielding spells or heavy armor to help them out. Instead, Archers rely on others to tank the damage for them, such as other players and, especially, their Pets.

Tamed Pets are the Archers’ bread and butter. Even though your choices of pets are limited at first, Archers can eventually get access to many pets not available to others, which ultimately makes them one of the most powerful classes in the game.

How to get Beast Tamer in Rune Slayer

At Level 30, Archers, just like all other classes in Rune Slayer, get to pick one of their subclasses. Archers can specialize as a Sharpshooter or a Beast Tamer. Pick Beast Tamer as soon as you hit level 30.

Currently, there is absolutely no reason to specialize as a Sharpshooter. Sure, firing multiple arrows at once sounds cool, but then you’d be missing out on the biggest benefit of the Beast Tamer: the Alpha Predator passive ability. This allows you to tame beasts no other class can, including things like Bears, Adult Spiders, Crocodiles, and especially, Mud Crabs. Because of their stronger pets, Beast Tamers are currently so resilient and powerful that they can even solo many group activities.

Best Armor and Weapons for Archer in Rune Slayer

Below, we’ll list the best armor for early and late endgame Archer builds in Rune Slayer.

Best early endgame Armor and Weapon for Archers

Screenshot by Rune Slayer Unofficial Trello

If you’re nearing max level as an Archer, a great set to get you started is the Elder set along with a few other equipable items. As for the weapon, the best early weapon to get is the Troll Tusk Bow, which is sometimes drops from the Hill Troll.

Armor NameStatsRequirements
Elder MaskArmor: 235
+5 Spirit
+10 Agility
2x Elder Greatwood
2x Ashwood Log
Elder ChestArmor: 470
+10 Spirit
+20 Agility
1 x Elder Vine
3 x Elder Greatwood
2 x Demon Hide
Elder BootsArmor: 235
+5 Spirit
+10 Agility
2x Elder Greatwood
2x Demon Hide
Thieves Ring+10 AgilityBuy from Schoen The Mage for 5 Silver in Wayshire
Elder Ring+10% Health RegenerationDrops from Elder Treant
Rat CapeArmor: 35
+12 Agility
+2% Crit Chance
15x Rat Skin
4x Medium Leather

You can craft the entire set using parts from the Elder Treant raid boss. Don’t let its size scare you. Find a group (or even better, a Discord guild) and attack the giant tree. As an Archer you shouldn’t have too much trouble dealing enough damage and surviving, especially with a good Beast Tamer pet.

Weapon NameStatsRequirements
Troll Tusk BowPhysical Damage: 12
+12 Agility
+1 Stamina
+5% Physical Pierce
A random loot drop from the Hill Troll

Best late endgame Armor and Weapon for Archers

Once you hit max level and are looking to mid-max your Archer, you’ll need to join the Demon Sect. Once you do, start killing players of the opposite faction and rack up your standing with your demon overlords to get the Stalker armor set. You should also save A LOT of money (we mean A LOT). The rest of your armor is pretty easy to get.

Armor NameStatsRequirements
Stallker HoodArmor: 225
+9 Agility
+2 Stamina
+3% Physical Pierce
Buy from the Demon Sect Quartermaster
5 Gold
Demon Sect: Infernal Marchal (12)
Stalker VestArmor: 450
+18 Agility
+4 Stamina
+2% Crit Chance
Buy from the Demon Sect Quartermaster
10 Gold
Demon Sect: Blight Marshal (13)
Stalker BootsArmor: 225
+9 Agility
+2 Stamina
+6% Buff Duration
Buy from the Demon Sect Quartermaster
5 Gold
Demon Sect: Doombringer (11)
Thieves Ring+10 AgilityBuy from Schoen The Mage for 5 Silver in Wayshire
Vampire Ring+10% Health RegenerationDrops from Elder Treant
Rat CapeArmor: 35
+12 Agility
+2% Crit Chance
15x Rat Skin
4x Medium Leather

While you’re doing this, you should also fight those annoying bird enemies that always lift you up and drop you in Greatwood Forest (Amphitheres) because they have a very small chance of dropping Vermilion, the best bow currently available in Rune Slayer.

Weapon NameStatsRequirements
VermilionPhysical Damage: 13
+8 Spirit
+26 Agility
+2% Crit Chance
On Crit hits, unleash a storm of fire arrows
that damage a small radius around your target.
A random loot drop from the Amphitheres

That’s all other is to it. Have fun being an Archer in Rune Slayer. If you need more help during the end game, check out our Essential Rune Slayer End Game Tips. To stay up to date with Rune Slayer, check out the Rune Slayer Trello and Discord.