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Madoka Magica Magia Exedra Beginner’s guide

Author: Unknown Author Update Time: 2025-03-28

Discovering how to stay on top of early progression looks like a chore with so many things to do, but this Madoka Magica Magia Exedra Beginner's guide is here to tell you how to progress quickly and make the most out of the new account momentum!

How to Make a Great Kioku Team in Madoka Magica Magia Exedra

As the main game progression relies on the battles, you're going to want the best Kioku units you can get. This early in the game, your go-to would, naturally, be top-tier five-star units, and there's nothing better than a free top-tier unit - one Lux☆Magica (Madoka Kaname), waiting for you to claim from your inbox once you complete the tutorial.

With the guaranteed 5* unit from the scripted ten pull, the two will always make the best starter carry duo and are worth every bit of resources you put into them. Additional copies of Lux☆Magica for extra power on her Ultimate attack are promised down the line at certain points in the story, so you can rest assured she will always be an irreplaceable part of the team.

To complete your team, any other 4* units you got from gacha within the missing roles will do in the early game - just don't forget to bring at least one sustain unit - a Healer or Defender! Don't fret too much about the portraits in the very beginning, as portraits aren't in the gacha. The game intends to have you collect them in other ways.

Best Ways to Level Kioku - Where and When to Farm

In Magia Exedra, the upper level you can raise your Kioku to is tied to the current level of your account. Towards the end of Rose Garden Witch Part I in the Main Quests section, a section of levels for farming Kioku Upgrade Materials will be open.

After you clear a level, you will be able to spend QP in bulk to skip its combat and collect all the rewards with a single button. Natural progression of story quests will guide your Player Level to higher numbers, which will in turn allow you to level your Kioku even further.

How to Make the Most Out of Your QP and Resources

While in the game, always make sure to keep your QP below the max threshold to allow for its natural regeneration. To utilize every bit of Kioku experience you can get, always keep them one level below the available maximum so they can receive the organic experience acquired after completing any level. Additionally, don't forget to level your Kioku Magic Lvl, prioritizing the five-star units in your account.

How to Quickly Collect All Available Magica Stones

Menus within menus may make it seem like there isn't many resources in your account to collect for more pulls - make sure to follow all the red dot highlights in the game, the Magica Stones at your disposal after obtaining many new Kioku add up pretty quickly - especially those hiding in all the sub-menus of the Chamber of Light. Come back to the Chamber often, especially after completing a few more Story Quests!

How to Find Bonus Items in Magia Exedra

Sparkling creatures that appear in the background of level 3D maps can carry very good rewards. Like Magica Stones, bonus items are sometimes easily hidden by other items floating in front. Luckily, there's an easy way to check if you missed something in a specific level by pressing the eye icon in the upper right corner of the screen. You'll be able to see both the total count of Memsparks and hidden treasures in the whole chapter, as well as individual counts of items under each level node.

How to Reroll in Madoka Magica Magia Exedra

If you really wanted a specific Kioku but didn't get it within the free pool of currency, new accounts are awarded. You can always easily delete your unlucky account and start from scratch. Though the guided tutorial is lengthy and has numerous unskippable cutscenes, if you plan to build your account to power with every free Magica Stone, it's clear the time investment is important.

  1. While on the main screen, click the four-piece icon in the very top right
  2. Click on Options
  3. Click on Delete Account
  4. Click the golden Delete option on the right
  5. Click OK in the prompt screen - this cannot be undone!

That is the most important thing to do when you arrive at your Magical Girl base for the first time in Madoka Magica Magia Exedra. You can also find the E.T.E Chronicle Tier List and other gacha Tier Lists here on Pro Game Guides.