Refuel with real-time data, at any time at the best price in your area!
Record in your area at any time at the best price!
Real -time prices: With the real -time data of the market transparency, the price changes of over 14,000 petrol stations find. You always get the cheapest fuel prices, regardless of whether diesel, great or Supere10.
If you prefer a certain brand or tied by a tank card, simply save your desired brand in the app settings and save a longer search.
GPS location: With the GPS location you can immediately see the cheapest offers near you, or you are looking for zip code or place.
Petrol station finder: A click on the location symbol and your card app shows you the exact location and then the route directly with travel time to the petrol station of your choice.
What happens to my suggestions for improvement and change?
We will try to incorporate your suggestions into the further development of our offer and thank you for your feedback.
Why are I not displayed known petrol stations?
When displaying the current fuel prices, you will only find those petrol stations that have also opened at the time of the advertisement, according to the information from the respective petrol station operator.
For more information, see www.spritpreismonitor.de - of course also mobile.
Sprit price monitor-The app uses the official data of the Federal Cartel Office, which is provided for approved providers via the market transparency center fuel prices (MTS-K).
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